Leadership Development Programme (LDP)


Vision in Motion in Collaboration with Adv. Mahomed Vahed


  • To teach participants how to lead in a Complex World
  • To equip participants with a range of new ideas and understanding
  • To allow participants to experience profound personal and leadership transformation
  • To cause participants to be disturbed – to move them from the safety of a traditional programme that has a set curriculum that covers set topics to the unknown and the novel
  • To challenge the participants to step into a complex space where they will be challenged to examine and explore their basic beliefs and assumptions


  • Learner-centred, organic structure that allows participants to share their leadership experiences to create relevant learning outcomes
  • Use of interactive and experiential activities to promote high engagement and a motivational learning environment
  • Learn to move from the above-the-line way of managing - systems, structures, processes and timelines to incorporate the below-the-line way of leading with consultation, relationship and information; from the rational to the non-rational; from the complicated to the complex


  • To discover hidden decision-making possibilities that come from taking a complexity perspective
  • To learn to become more intelligent in the moment by improving decision-making skills under pressure
  • To become far more aware of personal triggers and blind spots and how to manage them
  • Learn to become a better team player
  • Networking opportunities with experienced facilitators and leaders


Item Description Time
Understanding personal paradigms To be able to appreciate that there are different paradigm’s at play and learn to shift one’s paradigm. 15 min
The three stages of growth The importance of the 3 stages of growth, namely Dependent, Independent and Interdependent. Show how the first three Habits focus on independence and the next three Habits on interdependence 15 min
Habit 1: Be Proactive Understanding the concept of circle of influence and circle of concern and that change begins from within. Appreciating the difference between being reactive and proactive. 30 min
Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind Developing a principle-centred personal mission statement and extending it into long-term goals based on those principles. 1 hr.
Habit 3: Put First Things First Managing time through the correct use of the four quadrants. Identifying one’s key roles in life and making time for them. 30 min
Habit 4: Think Win/Win Analysing the six forms of interaction and applying the win / win or “no deal” alternative. Avoiding rewarding win / lose behaviour. 30 min
Habit 5: First Seek to Understand …Then Seek to be Understood The importance of listening to understand instead of listening to reply. To be able to put oneself in the perspective of the other person, listening emphatically for both feeling and meaning. 30 min
Habit 6: Synergize Learning to work as a team. To find ways to leverage individual differences through mutual trust and understanding and to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. 30 min
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Taking time out to build production capacity through personal renewal of the physical, social, physical and mental and maintaining a balance among these 30 min
Team Effectiveness Activities Two interactive teambuilding activities with a teambuilding facilitator. 1.5 hrs.

DURATION: The training will be for three full days with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants

VENUE: Will be at a suitable location off site.

EQUIPMENT: Flipcharts, Koki’s as well as a projector and sound will need to be provided at the venue (for showing of videos).

INVESTMENT: R39 950.00

The above price includes:

  • Props
  • Facilitation
  • Writing material and hand-outs
  • Workshop Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Facilitators feedback report

The above price excludes:

  • Provision of training venue
  • Cost of travel and accommodation for facilitators (where required)
  • Meal

Project Manager: Adv. Mahomed Vahed
Phone: 083 640 9054
Rodney Frank 082 334 6403